One thing that makes our neighborhood special is the diversity we have among our residents. Hawthorne is proud to partner with the Immigrant Welcome Center to help ensure that everyone feels welcome and has access to the services they need.
Did you know that we have a Natural Helper from the Immigrant Welcome Center at Hawthorne every Thursday from 4:30-7:30 p.m.? Dora is our normal volunteer, but every once in a while someone else is available.
The Natural Helper connects immigrants and refugees with services they need close to their home and work. They have contacts with various social services agencies, health care centers, schools, places of worship, job training centers and other organizations that can provide direct help.
Why is this important? These services help empower immigrants, who are also our neighbors, by connecting them to resources to help them build successful lives in Indianapolis. When one of us succeeds, we all win.
Feel free to visit Dora this Thursday at the Center for Working Families at Hawthorne and please share the fact that she’s here with anyone you think could use some assistance!